Mobile Website

Deliverables: Wireframes, Spec
Role: Interaction Design

I designed the UI for the first release of the Autodesk mobile-optimized website for Based on extensive interviews and research across five countries, the design features six mobile apps, provides access to Autodesk's tier-one products and suites on the desktop site, and reinforces company brand recognition and awareness.

I started out by sketching three different concepts which were then tested on consumers. Informed by the research, the team spent a few days storyboarding and writing Agile stories for the first and second releases, and I revisited the site with fresh eyes and a new conceptual design. I continuously refined pieces of the experience and communicated which pieces fell into the scope of each release. Together with my manager/fellow designer, I worked with the front-end developer, visual designer, and copywriters to help them firm up a working prototype and the content.

Mobile apps, with grid nav